Legal Disclaimer
The Site is presented for informational purposes only about this law firm and the types of law which the firm practices. Your use of the Site does not create an attorney-client relationship with this firm nor does such use constitute the receipt of legal advice from the law firm.
Only after having entered into a written, signed agreement with this firm will an attorney-client relationship have been created. Do not depend on the Site as a basis for a legal decision or medical decision in any manner whatsoever.
Do not act or refrain from acting based on the content of this Site without seeking appropriate legal counsel from a properly licensed attorney in your state. You may call our offices for a free consultation at 724 553 4345 where you can be properly advised on the legal issues of your specific case.
I attempt to ensure that the content of the Site is accurate and up to date, but I am under no legal obligation to do so and will be held harmless from any action alleged to be taken on the account of this Site.
Any testimonials or descriptions of past success, settlements, verdicts, and/or cases are not meant to guarantee success in your case.
All cases are different, and the outcome of each depends on the facts of each case. The laws governing your case may vary substantially from state to state. It is very important that, before you act on any of the information provided here, you first seek the advice of an attorney (for a legal matter) or medical professional (for a health-related matter).
If you would like to communicate with us through this website, by e-mail, or otherwise concerning a legal matter for which we do not already represent you, your communication may not be treated as privileged or confidential